The latest problems emerged in September, when the police raided a factory in southern Taiwan that was processing oil using waste from restaurants and slaughterhouses. 最新的问题于今年9月浮出水面。当时,警方突击搜查了台湾南部的一家工厂,其生产的食用油回收自餐厅废弃物和屠宰场副产品。
The equipment corrosion and corrosion resistance in processing crude oil with high acid value are reviewed. 高酸值原油加工过程中设备的腐蚀问题和防腐蚀新技术受到相关部门的高度重视。
Industry: textiles, food processing, oil, clothing and footwear. 工业:纺织、品加工、油、装和鞋类。
This technique has been applied in food additives, beverage processing, oil and fat powders, and inclusion of bioactive components. 已被应用于食品添加剂、饮料加工、粉末油脂和生物活性物质包埋等领域。
Application of Roll-over Drill Jig in Processing Engine Oil Pump Front Bonnet of Diesel Engine 翻转式钻模在柴油机机油泵前盖加工中的应用
In central Ghana, Ghana Bio-Energy Ltd is constructing a plant for processing jatropha oil into biodiesel. 在加纳中部,加纳的生物能源有限公司正在建造一个工厂,把麻疯树油变成生物柴油。
His company, MDR Limited, is an Aspatrian corporation engaged in the business of extracting and processing oil, coal, and other fuel sources throughout the Southern Hemisphere. 他的MDR有限公司经营在南半球内提炼和加工石油、煤炭和其它燃料资源的生意。
Expensive ventures in ultra-deep water, the Arctic and the processing of oil shales are not viable at$ 40. 按照每桶40美元的油价,北极超深水区的高成本开采以及油页岩的加工都不可行。
Main industrial lubricants, metal processing oil, anti-rust agents, cleaning agents, mold release agents such as product development, production and sales. 公司主营工业用润滑油、金属加工油、防锈剂、清洗剂、脱模剂等产品的研发、生产和销售。
A study of the result of processing oil polluted water by coke 焦炭处理含油废水效果研究
Taking the extract oil as styrene-butadiene rubber stuffing oil and agricultural rubber processing oil, not only improve the processability and serviceability of rubber but also decrease the cost as well, with larger economic benefit for consumers. 抽出油用做丁苯橡胶填充油和农用橡胶加工油,不仅可改善橡胶的加工和使用性能,而且能降低橡胶成本,给用户带来较好的经济效益。
The residual oil reduced viscosity process is an important one of processing heavy oil. 渣油延迟减粘工艺是重要的重油加工工艺,目前很受国内外炼厂重视。
They provide a new way to solve the problems of the state or signal estimation and deconvolution, and can be applied to data processing in oil exploration. 它们为解决状态或信号估计和反卷积问题提供了新的途径和工具,且可应用于石油地震勘探数据处理。
The thermal stabilities of the IS treated by different oils, such as the naphthenic oil, paraffinic oil and arene oil, were studied separately, and the synergistic effects of processing oil types and stabilizers on the thermal stability were compared. 在研究IS热稳定性的过程中,对用三种稳定剂所制备的IS进行充环烷油、脂肪烃油、芳烃油处理,比较了工艺油的品种和稳定剂的协同作用对IS的受热影响。
Effect of Processing Crude Oil Samples by Various Utensils on Determination of Heavy Metal Elements 不同器皿处理原油样品对重金属元素测定的影响
It can be applied to signal processing in oil seismic exploration. 它可应用于石油地震勘探信号处理。
Study on MFL Signal Processing for Oil and Gas Pipeline and Evaluation Technique of Pipeline Defects 油气管道MFL检测信号处理与管道缺陷评估技术研究
The problems facing the further development of the FCC technology for processing heavy oil are discussed. 讨论了进一步发展重油深度加工中催化裂化技术所面临的问题;
They consist of input white noise estimators and measurement white noise estimators, and can handle the white noise filtering, smoothing and prediction problems in a unified framework. They can be applied to signal processing in oil seismic exploration, and state estimation. 它们由输入白噪声估值器和观测白噪声估值器组成,且可统一处理白噪声滤波、平滑和预报问题,可用于石油地震勘探信号处理和状态估计。
Effect of stabilizers and processing oil on thermal stability of IS was studied on the base of IS oil-treated. 在此基础上,采用不同类型的橡胶工艺油对不溶性硫产品进行充油处理,研究了稳定剂的种类和工艺油的类型对不溶性硫热稳定性影响。
The system is used in Tarim Oilfield, integral logging data are imported according to the situations of oilfield, structure, block, well, it is of great convenience for data processing oil and gas exploration, production and scientific research. 该系统在塔里木油田研究院进行应用,按油田、构造、区块、井次、项目等装入了比较完整的测井数据,为油气勘探的生产与科学研究数据获取提供了极大的便利。
The thermal stability of IS treated with arene oil is highest among three types of processing oil. 在3种工艺油中,以充芳烃油的不溶性硫磺的热稳定性最高;
A Technology of Processing Washing Oil and Application of Its Extracted Products 一种洗油加工工艺及其产品的应用
The application of ultrasonic technique in oil extraction, oil refining, deeply oil processing and oil characterization were introduced, and discussed some possible problems may be caused when using ultrasound technique. 综述了超声波技术在油脂提取、油脂精炼、油脂深加工和油脂检测中的应用,并指出了存在的问题。
Development planning of China vegetable oilseed processing and oil processing technology in 2020 2020年中国植物油料加工和油脂加工技术研究发展规划意见
By means of analysis, two set diesel fuel talks were without thermal insulation, and the temperature of storage fuel was higher, the processing oil in the refining unit was high sulphureous crude oil. 经分析这两台柴油罐无保温且储油温度较高,同时炼油装置加工的为高含硫原油。
Study on Environmental Friendly Rubber Processing Oil 环保型轮胎用橡胶操作油的研究
The Study of Processing Washing Oil Using the Devices of Technical Naphthalene 利用工业萘生产装置加工洗油的研究
The common attention by enterprise managers and researchers in recent years. J company belongs to company PetroChina Liaohe Oilfield, is a comprehensive enterprise a set of crude oil processing, oil production, sales, service and other functions in one. 近年来受到企业管理人员和相关研究者的共同关注。J公司隶属于中石油辽河油田分公司,是一个集原油加工、油品生产、销售服务等多功能于一体的综合性企业。
Image processing is provided with quite wide application prospect in the field of oil geology. Oil geological drawing vectorization, rock iamge crevice analysis and interwell formation correlation be of quite important significance for oil geological drawing processing, oil prospecting and exploitation. 图像处理在石油地质领域中具有十分广阔的应用前景,其中地质图件矢量化、岩石图像裂缝分析和井间地层对比对于地质图件处理、石油勘探和开发有着十分重要的意义。